On 12/12/2021 18:45, Alan Somers wrote:
You need to look at what's causing those errors.  What kind of disks
are you using, with what HBA?  It's not surprising that any access to
ZFS hangs; that's what it's designed to do when a pool is suspended.

However, a pool does not have to be suspended on errors.
failmode property provides a couple of alternatives:
             wait      Blocks all I/O access until the device connectivity is
                       recovered and the errors are cleared.  This is the
                       default behavior.

             continue  Returns EIO to any new write I/O requests but allows
                       reads to any of the remaining healthy devices.  Any
                       write requests that have yet to be committed to disk
                       would be blocked.

             panic     Prints out a message to the console and generates a
                       system crash dump.

But neither does any magic.
The errors will still be there.

Andriy Gapon

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