
Just try it!

I think you will get an error that you are writing to a not-connected socket.
From "man 2 write":
"     [EPIPE]            An attempt is made to write to a socket of type SOCK_STREAM 
that is not connected to a peer socket."

See also "man 2 send"  and "man 2 socket" for a lot more information.

So it depends a bit on the type of socket you created.

Regards and happy hacking,

Van: Piper H <pott...@gmail.com>
Datum: woensdag, 15 december 2021 07:52
Aan: freebsd-current@freebsd.org
Onderwerp: question on socket server


I have little knowledge about socket programming.
I have a question that, if I have made a socket server, listening on a
port. The server prints data to the socket, but there is never a client
connection to the port, and the data is never consumed. What will happen to
the server then? will the OS kernel be flushed by junk bytes?

Thanks for your help.

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