On 4/22/22 18:46, Mark Millard wrote:
On 2022-Apr-22, at 16:42, Pete Wright <p...@nomadlogic.org> wrote:

On 4/21/22 21:18, Mark Millard wrote:
Messages in the console out would be appropriate
to report. Messages might also be available via
the following at appropriate times:
that is what is frustrating.  i will get notification that the processes are 
Apr 22 09:55:15 topanga kernel: pid 76242 (chrome), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:19 topanga kernel: pid 76288 (chrome), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:20 topanga kernel: pid 76259 (firefox), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:22 topanga kernel: pid 76252 (firefox), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:23 topanga kernel: pid 76267 (firefox), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:24 topanga kernel: pid 76234 (chrome), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Apr 22 09:55:26 topanga kernel: pid 76275 (firefox), jid 0, uid 1001, was 
killed: failed to reclaim memory
Those messages are not reporting being out of swap
as such. They are reporting sustained low free RAM
despite a number of less drastic attempts to gain
back free RAM (to above some threshold).

FreeBSD does not swap out the kernel stacks for
processes that stay in a runnable state: it just
continues to page. Thus just one large process
that has a huge working set of active pages can
lead to OOM kills in a context were no other set
of processes would be enough to gain the free
RAM required. Such contexts are not really a
swap issue.

Thank you for this clarification/explanation - that totally makes sense!

Based on there being only 1 "killed:" reason,
I have a suggestion that should allow delaying
such kills for a long time. That in turn may
help with investigating without actually
suffering the kills during the activity: more
time with low free RAM to observe.

Great idea thank-you!  and thanks for the example settings and descriptions as well.
But those are large but finite activities. If
you want to leave something running for days,
weeks, months, or whatever that produces the
sustained low free RAM conditions, the problem
will eventually happen. Ultimately one may have
to exit and restart such processes once and a
while, exiting enough of them to give a little
time with sufficient free RAM.
perfect - since this is a workstation my run-time for these processes is probably a week as i update my system and pkgs over the weekend, then dog food current during the work week.

yes i have a 2GB of swap that resides on a nvme device.
I assume a partition style. Otherwise there are other
issues involved --that likely should be avoided by
switching to partition style.

so i kinda lied - initially i had just a 2G swap, but i added a second 20G swap a while ago to have enough space to capture some cores while testing drm-kmod work.  based on this comment i am going to only use the 20G file backed swap and see how that goes.

this is my fstab entry currently for the file backed swap:
md99 none swap sw,file=/root/swap1,late 0 0

ZFS (so with ARC)? UFS? Both?
i am using ZFS and am setting my vfs.zfs.arc.max to 10G.  i have also 
experienced this crash with that set to the default unlimited value as well.
I use ZFS on systems with at least 8 GiBytes of RAM,
but I've never tuned ZFS. So I'm not much help for
that side of things.

since we started this thread I've gone ahead and removed the zfs.arc.max setting since its cruft at this point.  i initially added it to test a configuration i deployed to a sever hosting a bunch of VMs.

I'm hoping that vm.pageout_oom_seq=120 (or more) makes it
so you do not have to have identified everything up front
and can explore easier.

Note that vm.pageout_oom_seq is both a loader tunable
and a writeable runtime tunable:

# sysctl -T vm.pageout_oom_seq
vm.pageout_oom_seq: 120
amd64_ZFS amd64  1400053 1400053 # sysctl -W vm.pageout_oom_seq
vm.pageout_oom_seq: 120

So you can use it to extend the time when the
machine is already running.

fantastic.  thanks again for taking your time and sharing your knowledge and experience with me Mark!

these types of journeys are why i run current on my daily driver, it really helps me better understand the OS so that i can be a better admin on the "real" servers i run for work.  its also just fun to learn stuff too heh.


Pete Wright

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