I have been testing 14-CURRENT-f44280bf5fb for the last few days and so far it's been okay on my hardware (Cavium ThunderX2). Most of the details of the system are saved in http://venus.morante.net/downloads/unibia/screenshots/freebsd/R281-T91/14-CURRENT-f44280bf5fb. I've only had one kernel panic (seen under panic1.txt).

I'm still using the sysctl option "hw.usb.disable_enumeration=1" to prevent the USB devices from disconnecting/reconnecting every few seconds.  Other than that the improvement in stability with 14-CURRENT on aarach64 on this hardware is much better since the last time I tried, back in late February 2022.

I figured I would share my experience since I don't know what's the best way for me to help with testing new hardware with FreeBSD (besides opening PR's for hardware that's not detected).

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