W dniu 11.08.2022 o 17:53, Nuno Teixeira pisze:
Hello Bjoern!

create_args_wlan0="wlanmode sta regdomain ETSI country PT"
ifconfig_wlan0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"

If you are connecting to IPv6 only WLAN than you can probably either disable DHCP (if the RDNSS is provided for this network):
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA up"
or install dhcp client capable of acquiring DHCPv6 lease and use it instead of standard dhclient(8) from the base which doesn't support DHCPv6.

`ifconfig wlan0`:
wlan0: flags=8c43<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,OACTIVE,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
         ether 6c:6a:77:df:09:21
         inet6 fe80::6e6a:77ff:fedf:921%wlan0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
         groups: wlan
         ssid "" channel 6 (2437 MHz 11g)
         regdomain ETSI country PT authmode WPA1+WPA2/802.11i privacy MIXED
         deftxkey UNDEF txpower 30 bmiss 7 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme
         roaming MANUAL bintval 0
         parent interface: iwlwifi0
         media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (autoselect)
         status: no carrier

    (a) this is unlikely related to IPv6?  The only thing that would do
    is pass down more multicast addresses than with just IPv4 (and that's
    after assoc normally).  I run some on IPv6-only.
    Let me ask you anyway, so we can be sure.  If you remove the IPv6
    does wpa_supplicant associate fine?  (could also be a different
    tooling issue).

With ipv4 wireless work ok and wpa_supplicant associate ok.

    (b) does `ifconfig wlan0 list scan` show your AP when it doesn't?
    If it doesn't that is more likely the problem.  And that remains a
    for some conditions I am also facing.  More on 11a than 11g.

`ifconfig wlan0 list scan`:
SSID/MESH ID                      BSSID              CHAN RATE    S:N   INT CAPS MEO-3637C0                        00:06:91:36:37:c0   11   54M  -53:-96   100 EP   RSN BSSLOAD HTCAP WPS WME MEO-WiFi                          00:06:91:36:37:c2   11   54M  -53:-96   100 E    BSSLOAD HTCAP WME MEO-3637C0                        00:06:91:36:37:c1   60   54M  -61:-96   100 EP   RSN BSSLOAD HTCAP VHTCAP VHTOPMODE VHTPWRENV WPS WME MEO-WiFi                          00:06:91:36:37:c6   60   54M  -60:-96   100 E    BSSLOAD HTCAP VHTCAP VHTOPMODE VHTPWRENV WME

    (c) Then the question is if wpa_supplicant blacklists the network;
    `wpa_cli blacklist` would show.  If it does try the following sequence
    to make it try more often:
    SSID=<your ssid>
    ${CMD} blacklist clear
    ${CMD} disable ${SSID}
    ${CMD} enable ${SSID}
    ${CMD} list_networks

`wpa_cli blacklist`:
Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: (nil)  error: Inappropriate ioctl for device

    (d) given you didn't say, what does `freebsd-version -r -u`
    say, just to rule out you are missing the latest wpa fixes.

  `freebsd-version -r -u`:

    (e) what you can do is enable more wpa_supplicant logging; I often use
    wpa_supplicant_flags="-sdd"  in /etc/rc.conf which will log to
    syslog instead
    of the debug file but it'll increase debugging a lot (and warning, it
    may also log keying material).


Nuno Teixeira
FreeBSD Committer (ports)

Marek Zarychta

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