On 22 May 2023, at 23:18, Jamie Landeg-Jones wrote:

I've just finally updated to 13-stable, and can't be the first to notice this?!

/etc/rc.d/motd contains the line:

uname -v | sed -e 's,^\([^#]*\) #\(.* [1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]\).*/\([^\]*\) $,\1 (\3) #\2,'

Note the space before the "$" - needed because the uname -v output used
to have a trailing space. This was fixed and comitted on 2022/02/18:


Since then, the sed doesn't match, so the uname(1) output is unchanged.

There's no point altering the sed to work with both possibilities, so can someone commit the fix of removing the ' ' before the '$' in /etc/rc.d/motd ?

Not that it helps you much, but I did notice it and have an alternate
version of rc.d/motd on my own systems.  I had no particular attachment
to the earlier format, so my motd starts out by printing the two lines
    -KU 1302505 1302505 -b 18fa15f83c483db67b818e3a48bbb312908754b1
FreeBSD 13.2-STABLE (Garance-13x) #0 -- Fri May  5 17:53:55 EDT 2023

(that first line is the output from
```printf '    -KU %s -b %s\n' "$(uname -KU)" "$(uname -b)"```

But I thought that committing that would trigger a bikeshed debate, so I
also have an option to produce the output we previously had.  And given
that no one seemed to be complaining about the "full uname" version, I
figured I had an option for that too. And then I thought all these options were overkill and would trigger and even longer debate, so I never brought
the ideas forward.   :)

Garance Alistair Drosehn                =     dro...@rpi.edu
Lead Developer @rpi                   and    g...@freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;             Troy, NY;  USA

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