In message <>, Miroslav Lachman 
> On 25/01/2024 06:50, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <
> c
> >>
> >> What can they do that gpart can't do?
> > 
> > This was quite a while ago, booted off my recovery USB attempting to repair
> > some self caused damage. The ability to edit (vi) a file with starting
> > addresses and lengths, visually using bsdlabel, was suited to my panicked
> > state as I worked to recover the machine.
> > 
> > A visual view of columns of a bsdlabel, editing a label using vi, checking
> > and double checking numbers before committing them is handy.The visual
> > format and the ability to adjust the numbers in an editor before committing
> > them is handy. You can't do this with gpart, as it's transactional. And
> > bsdinstall doesn't give one the opportunity to check the numbers in detail
> > on a console before committing them.
> If you really like your editor of choice to edit partition table, you 
> can use gpart backup and gpart restore like this:
> gpart backup ada0 > ada0.part
> vi ada0.part
> gpart restore -F -l < ada0.part

That would work.

> > Maybe a good GSoC project may be to replace bsdlabel's driect writes to
> > disk with geom calls. Though, t doesn't need to be bsdlabel, but some kind
> > of utility that displays the existing label in an editor session where
> > changes can be made, using the editor, and committed. This could even be an
> > enhancement to bsdinstall: call it expert mode or whatever.
> Manipulating partition table in editor session can be achieved by few 
> lines of shell script as a wrapper around gpart backup & gpart restore.

Or just build a gpart edit mode with the functions used to implement backup 
and restore. Excellent idea. Thank you. A small project to work on.

> Kind regards
> Miroslav Lachman

Cy Schubert <>
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