Hi FreeBSD/main users & developers:

This is an automated email to inform you that the March 2024 stabilization week
started with FreeBSD/main at main-n268989-caccf6d3c008, which was tagged as

The tag main-stabweek-2024-Mar has been published at
https://github.com/glebius/FreeBSD/tags.  Those who want to participate
in the stabilization week are encouraged to update to the above
revision/tag and test their systems.

Developers are encouraged to avoid pushing new features to FreeBSD/main,
but focus on bugfixes instead.  The stabilization week runs up to
Friday 18:00 UTC, but if there is consensus that any regressions
discovered by participants have been fixed, it will end early.

Once that happens, the advisory freeze of FreeBSD/main branch is thawed.

Gleb Smirnoff

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