On 2024-04-18 23:02:30 (+0800), Mark Millard wrote:

void <void_at_f-m.fm> wrote on
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:36 UTC :

Not sure where to post this..

The last bulk build for arm64 appears to have happened around
mid-March on ampere2. Is it broken?

main-armv7 building is broken and the last completed build
was the one started on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:32:10 GMT. It
gets stuck making no progress until manually forced to stop,
which leads to huge elapsed times for the incomplete builds:

pd5512ae7b8c6_s75464941dc 34472 12282 (+9196) 107 (+77) 4753 (+2247) 1390 (+529) 15940 parallel_build: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:05:01 GMT 651:21:56

p43e3af5f5763_sf5f08e41aa 19809 5919 (+3126) 137 (+100) 5363 (+2741) 1395 (+522) 6995 parallel_build: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 15:46:14 GMT 359:42:14 ampere2

ampere2 alternates between trying to build main-arm64 and main-armv7, so main-armv7 being stuck blocks main-arm64 from building.

One can see that all 13 job ID's show over 570 hours:


It is not random which packages are building when this happens. Compare:


By contrast, the 19 Feb 2024 from-scratch (full) build worked:


My guess is that FreeBSD has something that broken after bd45bbe440
that was broken as of f5f08e41aa and was still broken at 75464941dc .

I'll kill the build on ampere2 again.  Thanks for the nudge.

We don't really have good monitoring for this. Also: builds should time out after 36 hours. The fact that this one does not is a bug in itself.

Philip [hat: clusteradm]

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