On Tue, May 21, 2024, 1:38 AM Ronald Klop <ronald-li...@klop.ws> wrote:

> Hi,
> May 16th upgraded the kernel of my RPI4. Previous kernel was fom April
> 10th.
> From:
> FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #35 main-5716d902ae1: Wed Apr 10 22:59:37 CEST 2024
> To:
> FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #36 main-42b28f81521: Thu May 16 07:54:05 CEST 2024
> Today I noticed my USB serial cable to my RPI3 was not available anymore.
> It hadn't loaded 'uslcom' at boot.
> Adding 'hw.bus.devctl_nomatch_enabled=1' to /boot/loader.conf resolves the
> issue for now.
> The proper output during boot is:
> Starting devd.
> Autoloading module: uslcom
> uslcom0 on uhub1
> uslcom0: <Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller, class 0/0,
> rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2> on usbus0
> Does anybody need more information about this?

I committed a fix a couple of days ago that defaults to always generating
the events.

Or were you wanting a deep dive on usb?


> Ronald.

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