Am Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:36:38 +0200
Alexander Leidinger <> schrieb:

> Am 2024-06-03 21:02, schrieb FreeBSD User:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm running a dual socket NUMA CURRENT host (Fujitsu RX host) running 
> > several jails. Jails are
> > attached to a bridge device (bridge1), the physical device on that 
> > bridge is igb1 (i350 based
> > NIC). The bridge is created via host's rc scripts, adding and/or 
> > deleting epair members of the
> > bridge is performed by the jail.conf script.
> > 
> > I do not know how long the setup worked, but out of the blue, last week 
> > after a longish
> > poudriere run after updating the host to most recent CURRENT (as of 
> > today, latest update
> > kernel and world) and performing "etcupdate" on both the host and all 
> > jails, traffic beyond
> > the bridge is not seen on the network! All jails can communicate with 
> > each other. Traffic from
> > the host itself is routed via igb0 to network and back via igb1 onto 
> > the bridge.
> > 
> > I check all setups for
> > 
> > 0
> > 1
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 0
> > 
> > I did not change anything (knowingly).
> > 
> > I also have an oldish box running single socket processor, also driven 
> > by the very same
> > CURRENT and similar, but not identical setup. The box is running very 
> > well and the bridge is
> > working as expected.
> > 
> > I was wondering if something in detail has changed in the handling of 
> > jails, epair and
> > bridges. I followed the setup "after the book", nothing suspicious.  
> "after the book" = the IP of the host itself is not on igb1 but on a 
> different interface or on the bridge?
> Is there a firewall active on the box itself? Which one?
> What does wireshark / a traffic dump at the physical interface level 
> tell compared to a traffic dump at the switch interface? Did you replace 
> the cable / SFP / move to a different switch port as a test?
> I suggest to provide the output of ifconfig -a and netstat -rn (feel 
> free to mangle the IPs, as long as the mangling is a consistent 
> replacement and not a cut-off).
> Bye,
> Alexander.

Hello Alexander and everybody brave enough reading my post.

Somehow I managed it to let 


disappear - I guess by accident when sneaking through the rc.conf file.

igb1 is the physical device connecting to the network. The bridge is layer 2 
only, no IP, only
the vnet-portions pointing towards the jail do have IPv6 and IPv4. The bridge 
has around 20
members, the last entry is igb1 - I never checked whether it is up ...

Kind regards,


O. Hartmann

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