On 6/21/24 18:44, Warner Losh wrote:

Hi Warner,

commit 681fd2bed8eaba88693867ba928a1c03a5b152cc (HEAD -> main)
Author: Ganael Laplanche <ganael.laplan...@martymac.org


Wrote the commit message and had to guess at the right email to use. But it looked like bz and the mail here were the same.

You could just have used my FreeBSD.org (martymac@) address here. Anyway, my personal address is OK too :)

In the future, simple patches like this might work better as a github pull request, though, since that would resolve all that ambiguity.

Yep, thanks again!


Ganael LAPLANCHE <ganael.laplan...@martymac.org>
http://www.martymac.org | http://contribs.martymac.org
FreeBSD: martymac <marty...@freebsd.org>, http://www.FreeBSD.org

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