On 29. Jun 2024, at 03:26, Rick Macklem <rick.mack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed FreeBSD current in a bhvye instance. Everything
> went ok, with UFS as a root partition.
> Then I created a zpool in another partition...
> - Now, every time I boot it I have to
>  OK set currdev=disk0s1a:
> to get it to boot.
> What is the trick to keep ZFS from messing up the boot variables?

I remember having this problem a few years ago. I see I have in an old startup 
file, ‘-e “rootdev=disk0”’ to set a loader environment variable. I also recall 
needing different Bhyve firmware, and I used gptboot. Some of these things 
might have been for different reasons. Other details are fuzzy.


Jan M.

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