Tomoaki AOKI <> wrote on
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 01:54:28 UTC :

> On Sun, 8 Sep 2024 02:01:02 +0100
> void <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 08, 2024 at 09:23:02AM +0900, Tomoaki AOKI wrote:
> > 
> > . . .
> If not automounted, you can mount ESP manually as msdosfs there, at
> least for bare-metal host. IIUC, recent installation by bsdinstall
> creates fstab entry for it by default.

void previously reported:

# gpart list | grep -E '(Name|type|efi|media)'
1. Name: vtbd0p1
efimedia: HD(1,GPT,b7731537-61da-11ed-9652-00a0981073a7,0x28,0x400)
rawtype: 83bd6b9d-7f41-11dc-be0b-001560b84f0f
type: freebsd-boot
2. Name: vtbd0p2
efimedia: HD(2,GPT,b77a2687-61da-11ed-9652-00a0981073a7,0x800,0x2000000)
rawtype: 516e7cb5-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
type: freebsd-swap
3. Name: vtbd0p3
efimedia: HD(3,GPT,b7836ca4-61da-11ed-9652-00a0981073a7,0x2000800,0xdfff000)
rawtype: 516e7cba-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
type: freebsd-zfs
1. Name: vtbd0

There is no ESP present in the guest. Instead there is a
"type: freebsd-boot" partition for which one of the likes of:

# ls -lodT /boot/gpt*boot*
-r--r--r--  1 root wheel uarch  62139 Apr  7 15:55:46 2024 /boot/gptboot
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root wheel uarch 109568 Apr  7 15:55:46 2024 /boot/gptboot.efi
-r--r--r--  1 root wheel uarch 176062 Apr  8 01:15:54 2024 /boot/gptzfsboot

would be in use. None of the 3 support the combination EFI and
ZFS-for-root-file-system. The only one of those 3 supporting zfs
is: gptzfsboot
It is documented to only supports old style BIOS context:

"man 8 gptzfsboot" indicates "gptzfsboot is used on BIOS-based
computers to boot from a filesystem in a ZFS pool".

gptboot and gptboot.efi only support UFS according to their man

If EFI is in use, then the ESP-ish partition is not from the guest
context but from some place else --unless the man pages are wildly
wrong about what is supported for the gpt*boot 's.

Mark Millard
marklmi at

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