At 11:07 PM -0700 2000/8/26, Mike Smith wrote:

>  The Linux driver for the V and VI cards is (according to a reliable
>  source) pretty awful.

        I've had to keep making modifications to them to get them to 
compile with newer and newer versions of the kernel, and while I keep 
contributing those changes back, they never seem to see the light of 
day.  ;-(

>  I have theoretically production-quality drivers from Adaptec which I will
>  be committing as soon as I have time to test them (a few days, I hope).

        Cool!  I can't wait!

        Is there anything I can do to help?

   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin || Rue Colonel Bourg, 124
Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.13.11/12.49             || B-1140 Brussels                         || Belgium

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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