jkh> Done and fixed, thanks!

Wow, thank you ^_^

But.. maybe my PR is not clearly described, it does not fix current
situation; very sorry for my poor presentations.

Here is a current directory structure (just extracted tarballs) of
5-current as of Sep/29/2000.

% cd ~ftp/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/i386/livetree/5-LATEST/
% ls
COPYRIGHT       cdrom.inf       kernel.GENERIC  root            tmp
bin             dev             mnt             sbin            usr
boot            etc             proc            sys             var
% ls boot/kernel/kernel*
zsh: no matches found: boot/kernel/kernel*

We can easily found that:

* Generic kernel is /kernel.GENERIC.
  (and sysinstall copies /kernel.GENERIC to /kernel when installed)
* There is no /boot/kernel/kernel. We cannot boot without kernel:)

So, it should be:

* Generic kernel go to /boot/kernel directory (I have no idea of about
  its filename).
* After installation, /boot/kernel/kernel exists.

To do that, we can:

* modify src/release/Makefile to put generic kernel under /boot/kernel.
* modify src/release/install.c to copy generic kernel to /boot/kernel/kernel.


* modify src/release/Makefile to put generic kernel to /boot/kernel/kernel.
* modify src/release/install.c, not to do copying generic kernel.
  (this is done by rev. 1.283)

Sorry if I'm wrong,
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