----- David O'Brien's Original Message -----
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 02:36:44PM -0400, John W. De Boskey wrote:
> >
> > the 'le' driver does not work. Can someone provide additional
> > information about why it's in GENERIC?
> Get confirmation that it does not work (one user isn't suffient in my
> book as there could be many issues which could make it ``not work'' for
> one person).

   That's part of what this mail is/was for.
> > Other candidates I've been pointed to include the removal of
> > /boot/boot[12] and NFS
> IMO NFS needs to stay.  It is *very* useful to many (including me).

  I haven't removed it. But it is an option. I was a very heavy
user of NFS, but it didn't matter to jkh when he removed it last
time. The switch to ftp isn't hard.

> P.S.  PLEASE trim the CC line. It has gotten redictulously long.  To the
> point some might consider not sending a single message on this thread,
> else they'll get their mailbox flooded from then on.

   I copied those folks who responded to my original mail.
Standard curtesy. I did not copy you on this.


> -- 
> -- David  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>           GNU is Not Unix / Linux Is Not UniX

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