> I have two reports about machines with 384MB RAM panicing when
> the floppies are accessed.  I don't have the message right now
> except for a report that "it said something about bouncebuffers"

I apologize for the vagueness of this response, but perhaps it might
help shed some light.

I've got a Dell dual-Pentium-III XEON system at work that I was running
-current on.  Some time ago (didn't notice when exactly, sigh) when
building new kernels, I started getting 

isa_dmainit(foo, bar) failed

messages during the booting process for both the fdc device as well as
my CS423x sound device.  A cursory examination revealed that this was
while trying to allocate bounce buffers for both the floppy and sound
device DMA channels.

On a lark, I rebuilt a kernel with MAXMEM=(256*1024) (the system has 512M
of memory installed), and the isa_dmainit() failures stopped happening.

Recently, I installed 4.1.1-STABLE on this machine because, well, I needed
a stable system and didn't need to track the -current bleeding edge.  It's
probably hard for me currently to reproduce this problem myself right

I'd suggest the MAXMEM hack to see if this mirrors my experience.  Certainly
this system was working just fine until sometime around the SMPNG milestone;
but I can't really attribute the failure to any particular change.

Again, sorry for the lack of detail; hope this might provide a hint.


> Can somebody with 384MB ram check if the floppy works under
> current ?

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