On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:18:09 GMT, void wrote:

> I have a similar problem -- every time I make world, perms on /var/mail
> get set to 775.  Mutt considers my mailbox read-only until I change it
> to 1777.  Is there a supported way to locally override BSD.var.dist, or
> do I need to install mutt setgid mail, or what?

You get two answers here.

1) 1777 on /var/mail is bad, bad, bad.  Don't do that.

2) The easiest way to override the permissions and ownerships enforced
   during a make world is to use CVS to update your sources so that your
   local hacks to src/etc/mtree/BSD.*.dist are not overwritten on

   There are other ways, but the bottom line is that you should find a
   way to ensure that those files are modified to your taste before
   every world update.


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