Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> >> >This seems to only do the cdevsw_add if the malloc failed. I presume
> >> >this is the opposit of the intended sense. I'll fix it up if you also
> >> >think it looks wrong.
> >>
> >> If nobody have noticed in "17 months, 2 weeks ago" (as cvs-web says)
> >> that labpc doesn't work, the labpc driver should be killed, not fixed.
> >>
> >> Objections ?
> >
> >What you are saying is that people who may be using this driver have
> >not yet moved up to -current or 4.x and as such should not be allowed
> >to?
> I'm saying:
>    "If nobody have noticed in "17 months, 2 weeks ago" (as cvs-web says)
>    that labpc doesn't work, the labpc driver should be killed, not fixed."
> That's 1.5 year Julian, and if nobody *who is using it* objects it goes.

unless of course I bring it back...

Poul, put the f*cking axe away and consider that it costs almost no time
keep it there, and we do not know who is using it in 3.x and may want to
someday upgrade.
It's not costing anything where it is. 
It's not as if it's holding back your next great leap forward or

If you really think no-one is using it then ask in -stable,
the home-aoutmation lists etc, the newsgroups and 
all the places where REAL users hang out.. -current is almost by
definition the 
WRONG place to ask. Then even if you get no answers, I'd almost say that
the cost of leaving it there is so low that the chances that someone may 
WANT to use it in the Future is worth keeping it there.

Personally I haven't used my appendix for a while either.....

> --
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

      __--_|\  Julian Elischer
     /       \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    (   OZ    ) World tour 2000
---> X_.---._/  presently in:  Budapest

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