On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm not a constraints expert either, but I noticed that when I try to
> build a kernel WITHOUT any optimization, I get a failure in
> /usr/src/sys/i386/atomic.h .
> # make atomic.o
> cc -c -O0 -pipe -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs
> ...
> /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/atomic.c
> In file included from /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/atomic.c:48:
> machine/atomic.h: In function `atomic_set_char':
> machine/atomic.h:178: inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'

> with any optimization, eg -O, there is _NO_ error. Makes me think the optimizer
> is optimizing out the offending contraints.  Ouch. Probably not what was intended.
> Maybe this is what's biting you ?

This is sort of the opposite of the bug in <machine/mutex.h>.  It is
believed to be caused by using the operand-number constraints (e.g.,
"(0)") to declare input-output operands in <machine/atomic.h>.
Input-output operands and/or these constraints apparently never worked
right until a recent versions of gcc introduced the "+" contraint to
declare input-output operations properly.  <machine/atomic.h> uses the
new constraint.  The problem seems to be that "+" contraints don't
work right either.

The following kludge fixes compilation of cam_periph.c:

diff -c2 mutex.h~ mutex.h
*** mutex.h~    Sun Dec 10 19:28:53 2000
--- mutex.h     Sun Dec 10 23:50:21 2000
*** 171,174 ****
--- 176,180 ----
        __asm __volatile (                                              \
+ "     movl    $" _V(MTX_UNOWNED) ",%%eax;"                            \
  "     " MPLOCKED ""                                                   \
  "     cmpxchgl %4,%0;"                        /* try easy rel */      \
*** 181,185 ****
  "# exitlock_norecurse"                                                        \
        : "+m" (mtxp->mtx_lock),                /* 0 */                 \
!         "+a" (_tid)                           /* 1 */                 \
        : "gi" (type),                          /* 2 (input) */         \
          "g" (mtxp),                           /* 3 */                 \
--- 187,191 ----
  "# exitlock_norecurse"                                                        \
        : "+m" (mtxp->mtx_lock),                /* 0 */                 \
!         "=&a" (_tid)                          /* 1 */                 \
        : "gi" (type),                          /* 2 (input) */         \
          "g" (mtxp),                           /* 3 */                 \

This bug seems to have been encountered before -- I copied this inferior
code from the function before the one that doesn't compile.  Several other
functions in <machine/mutex.h> also use it.


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