On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 02:18:31PM -0800, Crist J. Clark wrote:
> > Nope.  One can ``ln -s /usr/local /usr/pkg'' and get the behavior those
> > that like everything in one place prefers while still segregating stuff
> > for those that prefer it.
> That makes no sense. 

Yes it does.

> The big argument has been that packages should not go into /usr/local
> because /usr/local is for something else.

By one set of people.  There is another set that wants everything in a
single directory.  The NetBSD way gives that to them with a very simple
symlink.  There is no easy way to split out the FreeBSD _Packages_ from
/usr/local, for the converse.

> What's the difference?

Opinions on wether to separate out or not.

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