Andrew Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> types:
> On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 09:46:46PM -0700, Nate Williams wrote:
> > Fixing broken things is a good thing.  Your argument about moving it
> > from /usr/local to show how broken is a good test procedure, but turning
> > it into policy is something completely different.
> > I think the 'tradition' of FreeBSD installing packages in /usr/local is
> > enough to leave things the way they are, especially since non-broken
> > packages allow you to install it somewhere else on *your* system.
> You have to admit that the "prebuilt packages" argument is
> a pretty good one.  I don't used many myself (only cvsup, I
> think), but if it's true that the distribution CDs ship these
> pre-built programs, rather than the distfiles, then they should
> be built in such a way as to minimise the amount of "built-in
> policy".  Building for /usr/pkg (which can be sym-linked to
> /usr/local) does seem to solve that problem, without having to
> invent a mechanism for tweaking compiled-in paths after the
> fact.

The course of this conversation made me realize that the reasons I
subscribed to FreeBSD in the first place no longer hold - except for
financial contributions to the project, that is. The install disk and
and live file system are nice to have, but not crucial. The real
reason was having all those precompiled packages and/or distfiles
around. But the distfiles vanished as of 4.0, and the ability to use
the packages vanished when I set LOCALBASE to /usr/opt and rebuilt all
my installed ports.

> (On the subject of third-party software the installs in
> /usr/local, the only binary thing that I run is StarOffice5.2,
> and it installed itself in /usr/local/office52, but I think that
> it's pretty agnostic about where it lives.)

The office52 port is quit happy installing anywhere - I've got it at
/usr/opt on my system. The WordPerfect and NetScape ports are also
PREFIX clen.

On the other hand, Applixware Office ships a precompiled package for
/usr/local, and doesn't like being installed anywhere else. Which
means I've got a couple of hundred megabytes being backup up for no
good reason :-(.


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