On 14-Jan-01 Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 6:55 PM -0800 1/12/01, John Baldwin wrote:
>>On 13-Jan-01 Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>>  > If anybody wants a fuller traceback then I'll compile up a kernel
>>  > with debugging symbols, but it's going to be pretty sparse anyway
>>  > since it basically only shows the trap() from the page fault and
>>  > the subsequent panic.
>>All the other traces show the kernel having returned to an address
>>that is beyond the end of the kernel (which causes the page fault)
>>meaning that the stack is fubar'd, so the trace isn't meaningful
>>anyways. :(  Knowing how and why the lpd interrupt handler trashes
>>the stack is the useful info, and with the stack already trashed,
>>I don't know of an easy way to figure that out.
> Do you really mean the "lpd interrupt handler", or do you mean
> the "lpt interrupt handler"?  Does this problem only happen when
> lpd is sending data thru /dev/lpt?

lpt interrupt handler, yes.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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