In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David O'Brien" writes:
: I'm not happy about bumping every shared lib.  Can you answer:

Nor am I.

: (1) does a ``make world'' will not work?  Peter showed that we had no
: choice with libc due to the use of the host's existing install programs.

make world works.  But...

: (2) even if #1 works, will a 6mo. old binary (using one of these libs)
: run w/o the change?  Will a binary from 4.2-R run?

old binaries fail w/o the bump.

: If this is just to keep one from having to reintall /usr/local/, I'm not
: sure that is suffient reason for the bumpage.

Out bumpage of libc makes all old binaries break.  all of them.

: Note that if you are going to bump shlib versions, you should follow the
: versioning scheme.

For the first bump, I disagree, but for the next yes, that's right.

However, I'm leaning away from bumping now.


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