> This happened to me yesterday, and, haha, I didn't notice until I started to
> see RSA stuff not working:
> da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit), Tagged Queueing
> Enabled
> da0: 4340MB (8888924 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 553C)
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0a
> no such device 'ad'
> setrootbyname failed
> ffs_mountroot: can't find rootvp
> Root mount failed: 6
> Mounting root from ufs:da0a
> da0: invalid primary partition table: no magic
> WARNING: clock lost 358 days -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!
> My FreeBSD-alpha PC164 lost it's IDE disk for 4.2 somehow- which I'd just
> loaded the 4.2 kernel from- so it decided to run off of da0 instead, which was
> -current. Truly a startling turn of events. Shouldn't one stop and ask if the
> root one asked for isn't available?

There are two schools of thought here.  One says "you should try very 
hard to find a root device", the other says "you should boot only from 
the exactly correct root device and complain otherwise".  I took the 
first approach because its advocates shouted more loudly than those of 
the second.

Would a louder warning message be enough of a compromised?
... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
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