>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:33:10 -0800 (PST)
>From: John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Not one that I've seen:

>   11 root     -16    0     0K     0K CPU0   0  79.5H 49.37% 49.37% idle: cpu0
>   10 root     -16    0     0K     0K RUN    1  79.4H 48.19% 48.19% idle: cpu1
>   13 root     -48 -167     0K     0K WAIT   0  62:53  0.00%  0.00% swi6: tty:s
>   15 root      76    0     0K     0K sleep  0   6:07  0.00%  0.00% random
>    5 root      20    0     0K     0K syncer 1   2:47  0.00%  0.00% syncer
>   20 root     -68 -187     0K     0K WAIT   1   1:18  0.00%  0.00% irq18: fxp0
>   19 root     -64 -183     0K     0K WAIT   0   0:53  0.00%  0.00% irq16: ahc0
>   12 root     -44 -163     0K     0K WAIT   0   0:52  0.00%  0.00% swi1: net
>   18 root     -36 -155     0K     0K WAIT   1   0:49  0.00%  0.00% swi3: cambi
>    4 root     -16    0     0K     0K psleep 0   0:41  0.00%  0.00% bufdaemon
>  283 root       4    0   552K   388K select 0   0:10  0.00%  0.00% dhclient

>If you run 'top -S' does all your time show up in the idle processes like it
>does here?

Hmm... mine loks like that (modulo #CPUs), except when I'm actually
making it do some work (re-building the kernel, in this case).  What I
see ("top -S") looks like:

last pid:  9546;  load averages:  0.97,  0.64,  0.30    up 0+00:08:32  08:51:47
77 processes:  3 running, 57 sleeping, 2 zombie, 15 waiting
CPU states: 91.1% user,  0.0% nice,  5.4% system,  0.4% interrupt,  3.1% idle
Mem: 32M Active, 78M Inact, 27M Wired, 96K Cache, 35M Buf, 110M Free
Swap: 1024M Total, 4168K Used, 1020M Free

   10 root     -16    0     0K     0K RUN      3:43  2.15%  2.15% idle
 9545 root     121    0  3428K  3304K RUN      0:00  2.00%  0.10% cc1
  514 root       4    0 27148K 26128K select   0:03  0.00%  0.00% XFree86
  212 root       4    0   420K   304K select   0:03  0.00%  0.00% pccardd
  610 david      4    0  4200K  3332K select   0:01  0.00%  0.00% xterm
   12 root     -48 -167     0K     0K WAIT     0:01  0.00%  0.00% swi6: tty:sio
 7601 root       8    0  5112K  4764K wait     0:01  0.00%  0.00% make
   16 root     -64 -183     0K     0K WAIT     0:01  0.00%  0.00% irq14: ata0
  312 root       4    0   976K   556K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% moused
  603 david      4    0  2348K  1968K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% ssh
   11 root     -44 -163     0K     0K WAIT     0:00  0.00%  0.00% swi1: net
 1193 david     96    0  1964K  1208K RUN      0:00  0.00%  0.00% top
    5 root      20    0     0K     0K syncer   0:00  0.00%  0.00% syncer
  288 root       4    0  2256K  1504K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% sshd
  620 david      4    0  4200K  3332K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% xterm
   14 root      76    0     0K     0K sleep    0:00  0.00%  0.00% random
  350 root     -68 -187     0K     0K WAIT     0:00  0.00%  0.00% irq3: an0

I confess a degree of skepticism....  :-}

Here's output from "vmstat -5" around that time:

 1 2 0   43184104456  306   0   0   0 121   0   0   0  402  599 419 99  1  0
 1 2 0   37772109324 1209   0   0   0 1498   0   1   0  432 2032 549 91  6  2
 1 2 0   43032104124  918   0   0   0 669   0   1   0  394 1053 422 96  4  0
 1 2 0   44540102584  289   0   0   0 188   0   0   0  348  402 307 99  1  0
 2 1 0   39272108032 1123   0   0   0 1446   0   8   0  356 1515 362 90  5  5
 1 2 0   38448107844 1047   0   0   0 1066   0  10   0  368 1428 388 88  5  7
 1 1 0   36596108380 1240   0   0   0 1310   0   1   0  354 1643 362 94  5  2
 2 1 0   32264110776 1334   0   0   0 1504   0   2   0  381 1851 431 92  6  2
 1 0 0   30376110236 1850   0   0   0 1892   0   7   0  389 2506 462 86  8  6
 1 2 0   34904107064 1786   0   0   0 1692   0   4   0  360 2339 394 88  7  5
 2 0 0   30040108884 2437   0   0   0 2634   0  12   0  384 3194 466 77 10 14
 1 2 0   35544104636 1885   0   0   0 1734   0  27   0  405 2556 490 81  9 10
 1 2 0   34528104520 2339   0   0   0 2432   0   3   0  378 3136 455 85 10  5
 1 1 0   34620103844 2066   0   0   0 2115   0   2   0  370 2787 432 91  8  1
 procs      memory     page                    disks     faults      cpu
 r b w     avm   fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr ad0 md10   in   sy  cs us sy id
 2 0 0   28532106216 2618   0   0   0 2876   0   8   0  394 3524 514 83 13  4
 2 0 0   36172102488 2071   0   0   0 1967   0   7   0  402 2910 507 89  9  2

David H. Wolfskill                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.

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