On 02-May-01 Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> From: Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: PATCH: partial fix for broken "make release"...
> Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 22:00:37 +0000 (GMT)
>> The "make release" stuff is broken, at least in 4.3, and possibly
>> before that.
>> There are several obviously broken things:
>> o    The libssh stuff is not installed, and it is not built
> That would be a failure in make world, not make release.

He probably doesn't have src-crypto or cvs-crypto in his cvsup file.  *shrug* 
Works fine here and worked fine for the 4.3 release build.

>> o    The files jade_1.2.1-13.diff.gz and pdf_sec.ps are not
>>      available from any of the listed mirros in the "ports"
> That would be a failure in the ports collection, not make release.

Yes.  Haven't seen this locally though, but I may have these files prefetched
to /usr/docdistfiles on the local snap building machine.

>> o    If you set KERNCONF to a non-default value ("GENERIC" is
>>      the default value), then sysinstall can't find it to
> I'm not clear as to why you'd want to?  GENERIC is the best kernel for
> creating generally useable releases, but I imagine you have some other
> reason for chosing a specific configuration for which I also expect
> you're copying the config file into ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src/sys/${ARCH}/conf
> from somewhere else?  I can't see how this change by itself makes what
> appears to be the desired functionality a reality.

You could use LOCAL_PATCHES to do it if your patch created a new config file. 
This would be appropriate if you were rolling an internal release using your
own kernel config.  In that case his patches make sense.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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