> This should be 60034905 = 3737*255*63

No, that value is correct, has to do with internals how sysctl calculates the 
offsets, but that is an linux issue I am aware off
> This should be 59554/16/63 and you do not get all drive space.

As I mentioned, I am aware, that I do not get all drive space, but over 800MB 
missing is too much.
> It seems your geometry is unmatched.  Is LBA enabled in the cmos bios?
> Rich
LBA is enabled by hand. My bios can auto dected all drive features, yet I 
chose to setup everything by hand and explicitly enabled LBA after being told 
to do so by several sources.


Thank you for the quick answer
si vis pacem, para bellum
'Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move;
 Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.
- Hamelt, Shakespear

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