On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 11:02:02AM -0400, Omachonu Ogali scribbled:
| On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:03:27AM -0500, Michael C . Wu wrote:
| > On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:52:32AM -0400, Omachonu Ogali scribbled:
| > | vnconfig has changed to mdconfig in -current, but the
| > | picobsd build script still references vnconfig, also
| > | CONFIG isn't defined anywhere in the script, resulting
| > | in the process dying when it tries to configure the
| > | kernel, a couple of punctuation mods here and there,
| > | and dumped the "vnode is..." log.
| > 
| > Hi Omachonu,
| > 
| > Do you mind posting a URL with the above patch 
| > in unified form? (i.e. diff -u)

Attached is my questions about this.
The rest of it looks great.  We shouldn't have any problem
with this patch at all.  I will test this tonight or at USENIX.

| http://iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |
| --- src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd.orig    Thu Jun 21 04:49:46 2001
| +++ src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd Thu Jun 21 10:08:00 2001
| @@ -2,3 +2,3 @@

| -    gzip -9 etc/*
| +    for f in `find etc/ -type 'f'` ; do gzip -9 $f ; done
|      log "---> Compressed files in etc/

Good idea!

| +    newfs -i ${MFS_INODES} -m 0 -p 0 -o space /dev/md${VNUM}c > /dev/null
| +    mount /dev/md${VNUM}c ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT} || fail $? no_mount
| +    log "`df /dev/md${VNUM}c`"
|  }
| @@ -527,3 +518,3 @@
|       log "---> Copy generic floppy_tree into MFS..."
| -     cp -Rp ${BUILDDIR}/floppy.tree/* ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/fd
| +     cp -Rp ${BUILDDIR}/floppy.tree/* ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/fd || fail $? ftree_copy

| +
| +    du -k kernel.gz
| +    df -k ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}
| +    cp -p kernel.gz ${MFS_MOUNTPOINT}/kernel || fail $? kernel_copy

Why do you call du and df?

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