Hey all...

So, by the fact that I got _no_ replies I must surmise that either my
message didn't get posted (confirmed posting with archive), or people
didn't read it, or _nobody_ thinks it is a good idea ;) but if nobody
thinks it is a good idea, I _think_ I would have gotten some flames/feedback.
Here goes again...  Below is the message I sent about a unified libpwutil, and
possibly integrating it into FreeBSD.  _ANY_ feedback, positive or negitive
would be appreciated as it will help to validate my existance ;)

On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 09:05:41PM -0500, Damieon Stark wrote:
> Hey all,
>       Ok, so my thinking goes a little like this: having chpass, vipw, 
> passwd, rpc.yppasswdd et. al. using the same functions (pw_copy, pw_temp,
> pw_init...) and then, in order to update the database calling a
> function which does nothing more than execl(pwd_mkdb) and exit
> seems kinda silly. 
>       For a couple of my projects, having a "BSD approved" way
> of modifying the master.passwd/spwd.db would have been _very_ nice, so I
> have created libpwutil.  This new lib could be used to (staticly) link
> all the afore mentioned command line utils, and create a more central way
> to manage password changes, as well as creating a reasonably nice C interface
> to changing passwords.
>       If I am way off my rocker, please let me know.  I've
> also created a _new_ pw_mkdb function which does NOT use execl or system.  If
> this sounds like something that people are interested in, I would be happy to
> work up some doccumentation, and submit it for inclusion/port-dom as well as
> patches to chpass and crew if people think it is a good idea.
>       Just _looking_ at the Makefiles for things like chpass brought on
> the urge to make a change... ;) Also, future support for things like NIS+/LDAP
> could (possibly) be more easily developed.
> visigoth
> P.S. the lib will be BSD licenced, NOT GPL'd ;)



Damieon Stark, CCSE
Unix/Network Security Engineer
currently seeking employment

        Damieon Stark           | Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
        e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Linux: Where do you want to go tommorow?
        p: 612.382.6945         | FreeBSD: Are you guys comming or what?
        pgp: 0xBE5D0C57         | 
        pgp.mit.edu             | http://www.freebsd.org - The power to serve!

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