I'm getting a panic in the -current kernel with using kernels
built with src/sys/kern/kern_exit.c 1.130 and src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c
1.124 as well as with src/sys/kern/kern_exit.c 1.131 and
src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c 1.125.  This seems to be a problem that only
passwd(1) and chpass(1) seems to cause.  vipw appears to work fine as well
as everything else.  This is what happens:

root@pele [10:55pm][~] >> passwd toor
Changing local password for toor.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: updating the database...
passwd: done
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
root@pele [10:55pm][~] >>
        After here, it just freezes solid for 1 minute then displays on
the console...

Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: lock order reversal
Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: lock order reversal
Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: 1st 0xda041d9c process lock @
Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: 1st 0xda041d9c process lock @
Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: 2nd 0xc118de00 lockmgr interlock
@ /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_lock.c:239
Jul 27 22:57:24 pele /boot/kernel/kernel: 2nd 0xc118de00 lockmgr interlock
@ /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_lock.c:239

Then it just hangs completely, not even a db> prompt so had to hard reboot
and it goes into single user mode where one would need to fsck all the
slices and then I have to:
cp -p /var/backups/master.passwd.bak /etc/master.passwd
since the password database somehow got corrupted and then ran vipw and
:wq! and then shutdown the machine where it would boot normally.  Anyone
have any ideas how to solve this one or what is causing it since the
previous GENERIC kernel from the 6/16/2001 build of -current seemed fine.

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