At 2:02 AM -0400 7/30/01, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
>I will do some tests at home tomorrow morning, and
>let you know how it works out.

In the following:
    "gilead" refers to a MacOS 10 machine in my office at work which
             is running MacOS 10.0.4 plus an update to OpenSSH that
             reports itself as
             OpenSSH_2.9p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090581f
    "pulse-10" is a MacOS 10 machine at home, which is running
             MacOS 10.0.4 plus Apple's "Web Sharing Update, and OpenSSH
             in that reports itself as
             OpenSSH_2.9p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090581f
    "f14"    is the freebsd machine at home when it is running stable.
    "f15"    is the same machine when it is running -current.

pulse-10 -> f14:
     does not work with openssh using protocol v1
     does not work with openssh using protocol v2
     does not work with a program called NiftyTelnetSSH, which uses v1
     DOES work if I use a program called MacSSH, which uses v2

     for all three which do not work, it acts as if f14 is simply not
     running sshd.  f14 -> f14 does work, for both ssh1 and ssh2

f14 -> pulse-10
     hrm.  I forgot to write down what this did.  I think it worked
     for one protocol but not for the other, but I don't remember
     for sure.

pulse-10 -> f15
     does not work with openssh using protocol v1
     does not work with openssh using protocol v2
     DOES work if I use NiftyTelnetSSH, using v1
     DOES work if I use MacSSH, using v2

     again, for the ones which didn't work, they just acted as if
     f15 was not running sshd, but obviously it was or the other
     two programs could not have connected...

f15 -> pulse-10
     works for openssh using v1
     works for openssh using v2

f14 -> gilead
     arg.  again I forgot to write it down.  I think that what happened
     is that I did one set of tests, copied my notes from home to work,
     and then did the second set of tests without re-copying my notes...

f15 -> gilead
     works for openssh using v1
     dies a horrible death for openssh using v2:
         "Disconnecting: Bad packet length -1384901965"

And just to be complete:

pulse-10 -> gilead  (ie, both MacOS 10's, with different openssh's)
     openssh v1 works
     openssh v2 dies:
         "Disconnecting: Bad packet length -1741630907"

So, no matter how you slice it I seem to be able to come up with
problems going between MacOS 10 and openssh on freebsd.  However,
I can't really say that openssh in -current is particularly worse
than -stable, it's just different.

Also note that I was doing these tests at 8am, which was about
three hours earlier than I had expected to be awake this morning.
So, they probably aren't as complete or as helpful as they might
have been....

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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