On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 02:34:35AM +0100, Pierre Y. Dampure wrote:
> The above message is what I get after upgrading from an August 7 to
> an August 17 world/kernel and trying to run
> linux-netscape47-communicator. Prior world/kernel combination worked
> okay, there have been no changes to the kernel configuration (which
> I can provide if required).

I see this as well.  Apparantly version 1.98 of
sys/kern/imgact_elf.c causes the string containing the path
to /compat/linux/lib/ld-2.1.2.so to be truncated.  A quick
workaround is to symlink /co to /compat/linux/lib/ld-2.1.2.so .

> I noticed some recent changes to imgact_elf.c (which stands at
> version 1.99 on the box affected), am I missing something else here? 
> Regards,
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/Niels Chr.

 Niels Christian Bank-Pedersen, NCB1-RIPE.
 Network Manager, TDC, IP-section.

 "Hey, are any of you guys out there actually *using* RFC 2549?"

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