Mitsuru IWASAKI wrote:
> Hi, Maxim.  Thanks for reporting and reminding us.
> I think this is very difficult to fix, because;
>  1. Basically, this is a bug in BIOS, should be reported to vendor.

I understood that, but it is a discontinued model, so it is
unlikely that they will bother to provide updated BIOS just
to satisfy those strange that want to run FreeBSD on it. :((

>  2. ACPI CA is developed by Intel.  We'd like to have less local
>     workaround changes as possible.

Ok, I see.

>  3. I'm not sure whether suggested patches (buffer size dynamicaly expanding)
>     in [acpi-jp 1315] is correct fix, maybe not.  Probably another approach
>     can be considered (e.g. just ignore AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT and continue
>     interpreter execution).
> I'll describe again the problem.  This method is like this;
>                 Method(_CRS) {
>                     Name(BUF0, Buffer(0x18) {0x47, 0x1, 0xf2, 0x3, 0xf2, 0x3,
>                                0x0, 0x4, 0x47, 0x1, 0xf7, 0x3, 0xf7, 0x3, 0x0,
>                                0x1, 0x22, 0x40, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x4, 0x0, 0x79, 0x0 })
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x2, IOLO)
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x3, IOHI)
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x4, IORL)
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x5, IORH)
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x19, IRQL)
>                     CreateByteField(BUF0, 0x1c, DMAV)
>                     Return(BUF0)
>                 }
> The problem is that this AML is trying to create a field at exceeded
> position (0x19) of the Buffer (size is 0x18).
> And strangely, this method just return the buffer w/o any changes
> after CreateByteField operations. I guess that BIOS writer forgotten to
> delete CreateByteField statements, or change the buffer size.
> Now that we have DSDT override patches;
> or
> and AML disassembler (acpidump), and ASL compiler (iasl) in
> ports/devel/acpicatools/.
> Maxim, could you apply the following patches and try DSDT overriding?

Looks like a way to go. I'll test them tomorrow and let you
know then.

Big thanks!


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