Joel Wilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> fd0: hard error reading fsbn 0 (ST0 40<abnrml> ST1 1<no_am>
>      ST2 0 cyl 0 hd 0 sec 1)

>   So, I thought I'd try using a raw device configured for
> higher density disks.

That wouldn't help you.  It's already failing at the very first
sector, by not finding any address mark at all.  Thus using one of the
»over-formatted« (like fd0.1720) devices wouldn't help.

> The reason I think they might NOT be damaged is that they
> are all of the same type (different type from the floppies
> I could read), and they are all "double density" floppies.

Well, if you really mean "double density", it wouldn't require a
higher density device but a /lower/ density one.  The default device
is using "high density" (2000000 bytes raw medium capacity), while DD
media were 1000000 bytes raw.

So you could try using /dev/fd0.720.

> My question is, how can I do the equivalent of opening, for
> example, /dev/fd0.1720 (in -stable) under -current?

You just open it, and it will magically appear in /dev. :-)

[I've got a huge patchset here that will autodetect DD vs. HD
floppies, but before i'm going to commit it, i have to upgrade
my box first to -current.  This will also change the policy
regarding additional /dev/fd* devices, and i'll eventually
upgrade the man page as well.]
cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
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