On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 04:26:13PM -0800, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Who is a GTK hacker?
> Does someone want to write a "registry editor" program?
> The point of the program would be to edit the "FreeBSD
> Registry", rc.conf, and make it look just like the Windows
> Registry in the editor, using "_" as the implied path
> component/terminal component (key) seperator.
> Then we can all be honest with ourselves that the only
> difference between it an the Windows Registry is that
> the Windows registry is accessible/modifiable from
> kernel mode, and the path component and key names.
> You can start with:
> My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\natd
>               Name            Data
>               -----------     ---------------------------------
>               enable          NO
>               interface       fxp0
> My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\inetd
>               Name            Data
>               -----------     ---------------------------------
>               enable          NO
>               program         /usr/sbin/inetd
> etc.
> If you want to get ambitious:
> o     Make "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" an alias for your node name,
>       and include your node name in the list.
> o     Call it "localhost", if you are feeling too guilty
>       about calling it "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
> o     Make the tool operate on node names other than
>       "localhost", so you can do remote administration
>       of configuration files on a cluster of FreeBSD
>       boxes
> o     Add more subkeys; perhaps it should not be just
>               My Computer\localhost\inetd
>       but
>               My Computer\localhost\rc.conf\inetd
>       letting you fold in the other files, like the
>       inetd.conf, into "registry handlers", e.g.:
>               My Computer\localhost\inetd.conf\telnet
>               enable          NO
>               sockettype      stream
>               protocol        tcp
>               wait            NO
>               user            root
>               program         /usr/libexec/telnetd
>       etc..
> o     Support sysctls in the HKEY_DYN_DATA and HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
>       sections (for those that can go into loader.rc).

  This last point is neat, especially if whoever is doing it
could setup something with the doc team and actually get to
actively documenting, as things progress, what each sysctl
does and affects.

> Sure, people would be annoyed to find out that they had been
> moving towards an idea that Microsoft had developed, but
> wouldn't this be a fun tweak to people's tails?
> 8-) 8-) 8-)
> -- Terry


Bosko Milekic

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