At 12:10 AM -0500 2/6/02, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
>One simple test I tried was that I have a copy of the freebsd cvs
>repository in /usr/cvs/free, on it's own partition.  Each system
>has it's own /usr/src, of course.  I cvsup'ed /usr/cvs/free, and
>then did a
>      time cvs status >/dev/null
>in each /usr/src, on each system.

The popular vote fingered the WITNESS option as the culprit for
the significant slowdown I noticed in -current.  I compiled a
kernel which did nothing but turn that off, and here is an
updated chart of my simple-minded benchmark:

         On current   On current    On stable
         +witness     NO witness   (no witness)
         ----------   ----------   ----------
real    7m 43.392s   5m  9.443s   4m 53.100s    in the /usr/src
user    0m 11.692s   0m 11.223s   0m  4.203s       for current
sys     3m  4.601s   0m 17.353s   0m  2.248s

real    6m 40.322s   1m 57.438s   2m 39.361s    in the /usr/src
user    0m 10.531s   0m  9.474s   0m  6.653s       for stable
sys     4m 28.863s   0m 12.527s   0m  9.480s

So, things are quite reasonable for my purposes if I turn off
the WITNESS kernel option, and leave all the other debugging
stuff active.

reminder: The above is obviously not a scientific benchmark!
It was just something adequate enough to show a rough idea
of the performance I was "feeling".

Thanks for the pointers.  Now I'll try recompiling the rest of
the ports I have on my -stable system, and see if I can't keep
my office machine running in -current instead of -stable...

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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