On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Glenn Gombert wrote:

>    I have spent several months figuring how to do diskless mounts for test
> kernels, run debuggers from serial terminals and do remote kernel debugging
> with gdb, and spent lots and lots of time doing is as well. Some 'up to
> date' "How To's" are really needed to support this kind of debugging and
> testing efforts, the material in the FreeBSD manual is helpful to a point,
> but much 'key' information on such subjects is just not there and has to be
> dug out of mailing list archives and just sending e-mails to various people
> who have done such things in the past and ask for help, taking up their
> time...which could be saved with some up-to-date documentation :))

So you are the PERFECT person to write it right?

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