On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Julian Elischer wrote:

> any change that has to be added to 4.x tomake it run on 5.x is the wrong
> answer.  4.x binaries should all run on 5.x (unless something was
> accidentally committed to 4.x that should be backed out.) 
> any change for allowing 4.x binaries to run on 5.x should be done on the
> 5.x side of things, (unless I've misunderstood the problem here) 

Yes, the problem here is that Kris is building and running a 5.x world on
a 4.x kernel in a chroot to support the build cluster.  Common binaries
such as sh are just now beginning to rely on the new kernel functionality
(a trend that will continue, as I pointed out), and my belief is the model
being used is flawed as anything other than a short term thing.  On the
other hand, there's no harm in MFC'ing eaccess(), since it's a generally
useful thing.  However, as soon as the 64-bit UFS2 work starts coming in,
and the new system calls are brought in to support that, even basic
applications such as 'sh' are going to stop working again, due to stat().
But my feeling is that's actually OK given the direction:

                4.x kernel      5.x kernel
4.x binaries    REQUIRED        REQUIRED
5.x binaries    DEGRADING       REQUIRED

This case falls squarely into the 'DEGRADING' category, given the approach
of new functionality.  For example, ls will shortly learn about ACL system
calls, which while present in the -STABLE aren't implemented.  Likewise,
configure scripts that test the behavior of system calls will also start
failing in appropriately.

To get us 5.0-DP1 packages, sure, MFC eaccess().  We'll just need to make
sure that over the next month or two, -CURRENT is in a position where it
can run safely on the package cluster to support 5.0 package builds.

I can MFC eaccess() later today, assuming there are no objections.  I've
been meaning to for a while, so that I can merge it into Darwin.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Project
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      NAI Labs, Safeport Network Services

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