On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:39 am, Robert L Sowders wrote:
| Greg is absolutely correct.
| These whiners, who constantly moan for code while never contributing any,
| should contribute the code if they want it changed.
| Also I shudder to think that those who customize their systems would
| actually learn how to use all the tools available to them to prevent a
| makeworld from overwriting or undoing their customizations. :)

I was sorta wondering about that . . .

The whole mailwrapper takes care of this anyway, doesn't it?  At least that's 
what it's there for . . . don't you just re-install the port and voila! life 
is good again?

| I wish that we could assign a bitch rating to some of these emails.  Say a
| sliding bitch scale depending on how much code the bitchee has
| contributed.  Then they could easily be filtered to /dev/null.
| Waddayathink? ;)

So what you are saying is that you never want people to use (or at least to 
customize) FreeBSD unless they are FreeBSD developers?

That's the most extreme version of "we won't care about who uses it" that 
I've ever heard.  The fact is, it's a lot more convenient for all FreeBSD 
users if the user base is expanded because it makes hardware and software 
vendors pay more attention to FreeBSD.

So *some* accomidation to people who are at least willing to get their hands 
dirty with scripts is in the interest of the entire FreeBSD community.  Sure, 
you don't want to lose all the benefits of FreeBSD in a mad rush to 
accomodate the masses -- I left the Linux fold in part becuase I felt that 
the mainstream distributions, at least, were going too far to do that, but 
it's certainly possible to go too far in the other direction as well.

| Much ado about nothing, so far, RTFM.
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