It seems Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > IBM DTLA drives are known to be problematic.  If you use that
> > > in a search engine, it will find numerous references to the
> > > drive electronics being too slow for sustained access to the
> > > sectors closes to the spindle.
> > 
> > This thread is about tagged queueing problems on IBM drives since they
> > are the only ones that supports it, it is not specific to the DTLA
> > series at all, which this thread has already explained.
> > So Terry, do you have anything to share, or just noise like this ?
> > 
> > (I dont care about if the DTLA may have other problems)
> Sorry; all I can give you is hear-say, which I guess you could
> consider to be noise, except we confirmed that the problem disk
> in this case was an IBM drive, which tends to support the theory.

Indeed, the problem at hand here show up on *any* tagged queueing
capable drive, it is not specific to a certain model.

> For a more "scientific test", downloading the firmware tool and
> setting the DMA transfer rate down, and checking for problems,
> would be pretty overwhelming evidence.  Personally, I don't have
> any of the buggers lying around to test with any more.

Why on earth would you do that ? (hint man atacontrol)

Besides I dont see this as any evidence at all, but thats another matter...


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