Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> = > The most frustrating thing is, the number of such symbols varies
> = > greatly with the order, in which I list the libraries on the command
> = > line. Is not the linker supposed to make several runs over the given
> = > libraries if needed?
> =
> = No.  It doesn't make several runs.  It only does that for single
> = object files.
> Is there a reason for it, or this just a not-yet-implemented feature? It
> certainly seems like the latter -- why make the user jump through all
> the sorting/reordering hoops?

Generally, this won't be necessary for properly organized code.  The
code in question is organized by software layering, right, so all you
have to do is link the libraries in order?

> = You might also want to consider using -L<path> -l<library>, instead
> = of trying to link .a's directly.
> What would this do?

Make it all go through the library linking code, instead of the
single object archive linking code.  a ".a" file treated as an
object is not the same as a library.

-- Terry

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