On Saturday, 15 June 2002 at  0:34:36 -0700, Mike Makonnen wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Jun 2002 10:44:31 +0930
> "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thursday, 13 June 2002 at 15:37:55 -0700, Gordon Tetlow wrote:
>>> I've imported the excellent work by Mike Makonnen into the tree.
>> Can you summarize what the differences are?
> o Instead of a few monolithic scripts in /etc there are many task oriented
>    scripts in /etc/rc.d
> o Dynamic ordering of boot scripts performed at boot
> o Ability to run a daemon in a jailed environment as a non-privileged user
> o common subroutines to make scripts shorter and easier to maintain
> o If necessary, service specific knobs in /etc/rc.conf.d/

Hmm, appears to be Luke Mewburn's NetBSD stuff, which I know.
Shouldn't there be an "Obtained From: NetBSD" in the commit messages?

Are you (or is anybody) doing something about keeping as close as
possible to being in sync with NetBSD?

> Basically, the scripts /etc/rc* scripts have been broken down into individual
> scripts, each one doing one specific task**. In addition the dependency
> ordering of the scripts is performed at boot time, so if you have local scripts
> that you want executed at boot time, it's just a matter of writing up the script,
> defining what services it should follow (i.e- after local disks have been mounted),
> and then putting it
> in /etc/rc.d/. There's a file: /etc/rc.subr, which is intended to make your scripts
> as short as possible. It contains common subroutines that are useful in writing
> scripts. Here's a quick introduction:
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> . /etc/rc.subr
> # PROVIDE: fooservice
> # REQUIRE: barservice mountcritlocal
> name="foo"
> rcvar=`set_rcvar`
> command="/usr/bin/foo"
> required_files="/etc/foo.conf"
> load_rc_config $name
> run_rc_command "$1"
> Given this script, the routines in rc.subr will do the following:
> o check rc.conf and /etc/rc.conf.d/foo to make sure 'foo_enable' is set.
> o pull in the correct path to the command if 'foo_command' is specified,
>    and make sure it is executable
> o check that the required file /etc/foo.conf exists
> o pull in any command line options specified in the 'foo_flags' variable
> o if the appropriate variables are defined, start foo in a jail as a non-privileged 
> o tell you whether foo is already started
> o tell you what pid foo is using
> o let you start foo
> o let you stop all instances of foo
> o and some more that I can't think of right now
> IMO the functionality you get for just those 11 lines is well worth the small effort
> required in readjusting to this new scheme. If what you want to do requires
> a little more customization, then you can also define custom start/stop/etc...
> routines that will be executed instead of the default one.
> Having said that, there is remarkably little to adjust to. Baring any
> bugs in the scripts, switching on rcng should not break anything.
> I have tried to include temporary compatibility shims to ensure that.
> I had intended to remove them before 5.0-RELEASE, but they should
> probably be marked as deprecated and instead removed in 6.0-RELEASE.
> Cheers,
> Mike Makonnen
> ** Most scripts do one specific task, but there are exceptions. It is
> acceptable to do more than one task if they are closely related: for
> example: /etc/rc.d/sendmail

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