In the last episode (Aug 08), Beech Rintoul said:
> On Thursday 08 August 2002 12:05 pm, Beech Rintoul wrote:
> I spoke too soon :-(
> Now it errors at:
> sql_analyse.o: In function `proc_analyse_init(THD*, st_order*, select_result*, 
> sql_analyse.o(.text+0x1f): undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'
> sql_analyse.o(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV10field_info+0x10): undefined reference to  

Ok, that's a bug in the port Makefile :)  Remove line 67 ( CXX="${CC}" ).
That tells mysql to compile and link as though the sources were C, not
C++.  I'm amazed it ever built with that flag.  

        Dan Nelson

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