In the last episode (Aug 28), Jens Schweikhardt said:
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 07:35:32PM +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> # On (2002/08/28 19:04), Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
> # > Yes, use plain TERM=xterm. It's got color now as it should. I'm
> # > thinking of removing xterm-color if I can't resolve the
> # > enter_alt_charset_mode stuff. Let me know if TERM=xterm does not
> # > work as expected in mutt et al. I'll post a minor HEADS UP to
> # > current@.
> # 
> # Doesn't work for centericq or mutt.
> Are you sure? I use mutt too (in an rxvt), and TERM=xterm works
> wonderfully with colors. Hang on, will test mutt in plain xterm...
> yes, works there too.

Older versions of the mutt port used the slang terminal library, which
had (has?) a bug that assumed that all xterms supported color.  It
didn't matter what your termcap says.

If "tput Co" prints '8', your termcap entry supports colors.  

If "ldd usr/local/bin/mutt" shows libslang instead of libncurses, it'll
display colors no matter what.

        Dan Nelson

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  • ... Sheldon Hearn
    • ... Jens Schweikhardt
      • ... David O'Brien
    • ... Jens Schweikhardt
      • ... Dan Nelson
        • ... David O'Brien
          • ... Alex Zepeda
      • ... Sheldon Hearn
        • ... Jens Schweikhardt
          • ... Bruce A. Mah
            • ... Vladimir B.
              • ... Jens Schweikhardt
                • ... Андрей Чернов
                • ... Andy Sparrow
                • ... Андрей Чернов

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