On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 03:06:08PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> David O'Brien wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 05:55:18PM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > > In general, though, the answer is that "3.1 sucks and 2.9x
> > > does not".  8-).
> > 
> > Feh.  3.1's optimizer is less buggy in my experience.
> > 
> > > Use at least GCC 3.2, if you feel compelled to use a buggy
> > > non-maintenance release level GCC; alternately, wait for 3.3.
> > 
> > What in the world are you trying to say??
> > "non-maintenance release"???  Why do you think 3.2 is buggy??
> Because rather than leaving it alone for a while, they are already
> planning a 3.3.  8-).
> And comments on this list to that effect.

I don't follow.  The GCC group branches previous to a release and makes
an initial + point releases from it.  How is this different from FreeBSD?
(other than they branch much before the .0 release and we don't).

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