Hi Martin:

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Martin Blapp wrote:

> > and Martins patch:
> > This one works standalone and with 2 and 3 above.  It seems to have
> > increase ftp transfer rates too from 8600Kbytes/sec to 10577Kbytes/sec.
> Cool.

        Seems to depend on which notebook the card is in.  With the Dell
Inspiron 8200, it does do the above rates and 6722Kbyte/sec if the ftp was
initiated from a Windows box.  On the IBM ThinkPad 770Z, the rates are
6600Kbyte/sec on the FreeBSD machine but 3085Kbyte/sec if the ftp is
initiated from the Windows machine.

> > Ofcourse, for some odd reason, if the ftp was done from a Windows XP Pro
> > machine, it's only 6722KBytes/sec.
> Hmm. TCP-window size ? And did you already tried to
> turn on/off the sysctls ?

        The TCP-Window size I have is 32767 on the Windows machines.

> net.inet.tcp.rfc1323
> net.inet.tcp.rfc1644

        Yep tried both of those already and didn't make a difference.

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