carl> I fail to see how a reduction of hours (even just one) is
carl> insignificant to someone on a dial-up connection.  Time is money
carl> for some people; even a meager three hours.

Don't you think "30+ hours of time to fetch an ISO image" is _not_
wasting of money?

carl> Again, I fail to see how a reduction in download time for -anyone- is
carl> insignificant.  Can you explain how I am missing the point?

These ISO images are build everyday.  That means, after 24 hours have
past, new ISO image are available.  Yes, compressing images help less
downloading time and it'll be helpful for someone.  However,

        - For xDSL and/or optical line users, reducing time is maybe
          less than hours. It can be considered as a range of error.
        - For slow analog modem users, reducing time is about several
          hours.  However, they still have to spend more than 1 day to
          fetch.  It can be also considered as a range of error.

so I think there are small number of peoples who get lots of merits by
compressed ISO images.

The costs of compressing images is small, but not zero.  Somebody
already argues to me that "hey, please stop compressing ISO images.
You should know that it costs several minutes/hours to make available
images for the public."  Providing both compressing and uncompressing
images are hard to accomplish due to the disk spaces.


carl> I think it would be better to focus on whether or not the
carl> snapshot machine can even handle such a task, and, more
carl> importantly, whether the administrator even wants to do it.

I have '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' hat on my head.

I don't say "I hate to compress ISO images."  However, I think there
is very few merits for compressing images.  There are many tasks for
providing whole services; if it can be avoidable task, I would like
not to do.  Your requests are very valuable suggestion for me, but at
this time, please wait it until I can get more CPU time and disk
spaces (but I don't know when it comes true.)

-- -
Makoto `MAR' Matsushita

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