On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Horen wrote:
> > Now the missing facts:
> > 
> >    4.x binaries will not run on 5.0, lib.c inconsistency.
> You are not running the most recent 5.x.  We can't help you, I
> think.
> >    Identical XFree86 sources compiled nativly on 4.6, 4.7 and 5.0.
> >    4.6-4.7: no problem
> >    5.0: logout from X blocks the graphic card, Matrox MGA 400
> >         and also Nvidia GeForce2 MX200
> Different compilers.  You have failed to narrow the problem down;
> here's where it might be:
> 1)    In the configuration code
> 2)    In the difference in the patches between the versions of
>       the ports tree for X11
> 3)    In the X11 libraries' handling of threads
> 4)    In the 5.x implementation of pthreads
> 5)    In the GCC compiler optimizer
> 6)    In the GCC compiler code generator
> 7)    In the X11 source code; there are certain assumptions
>       that the new compiler makes which it was always permissable
>       for it to make, but which the old compiler did not make,
>       even though it was allowed to (i.e. a revealed bug in the
>       X11 sources)
> 8)    A bug in the AGP (/dev/agpart) code
> 9)    A bug in the ACPI handling of monitor power-down code
> 10)   A bug in the ACPI BIOS information of your computer itself
> 11)   In a mismatch between kernel and kernel module versions
> 12)   In a difference in the values of manifest constants
> > I doubt, that something else than OS  related issues are the
> > cause.
> Doubt it all you want; from the small amount of information you
> have provided us, it looks to me like there is a possibility
> that it's 50% non-OS-releated.
> > Switched back to 4.7 , will try again 5.0 in few weeks.
> If it happens again, be sure and give us useful information,
> like:
> o     Since Warner fixed the libc incompatabilities, have
>       you installed the 4.7 version of X11 on 5.x, and does
>       the problem still happen?
Yes, it happened, I didn't make notes exact which version
of X11 it was. 4.7 was updated on 11/1/2002
> o     Does it happen if ACPI isn't loaded?
Didn't test it.

> o     Does it happen with the Xvga server, or only with the
>       accelerated server?
It happens with both server.

> o     Are you on a laptop or a desktop?

It's a desktop with following hardware configuration:

        Tyan Thunder K7 (S2462) Motherboard
        ( with onboard ATI graphic chip ) not used
        Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4 activated
        2 G Ram
        2 x Athlon 2000+ 
        Gr. Cards tested Matrox MGA400 Max and Nvidia GeForce2 MX200
        2 IBM  SCSI HD ( each 36 G )
        Monitor Sony GDM F520

> o     If a desktop, does turning the monitor off and back on
>       "fix" the problem for you?

No, only a reboot.

> o     What the checkout date for your 5.x source tree?  It's
>       unlikely that someone would be willing to spend 30 hours

Last checkout 11/7/2002.


>       duplicating your test environment, but you never know...
> o     The results of any discriminating tests for the possible
>       causes, per the list, earlier in this email.
> Thanks,
> -- Terry

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